Monday, March 15, 2010

Is Spring on the Way?

We really made the most of warmer weather we had last week. The sun made a debut and that was so welcome. On Tuesday we visited the East and West Classrooms. The children put their sticky glue on their hands and walked around looking at all of the exciting works on the shelves. For those who are coming back next year we made sure that they knew which room they would be in. I will be sure to try to introduce them all to their teachers for next year. I think they were all very excited about how big the other rooms were.
We had our yoga class in the "park" on Wednesday. The kids seemed to really enjoy it. We ended our class with a game of chase just to get out some of the extra energy we had. We had Charlie's dad in visit us on Wednesday. The children were so excited to have a dad in the room. Everyone seemed to gather around him as he read Charlie a book. It was so nice to see. Feel free to set up a time to come in and visit our classroom before the end of the year.
On Thursday all of the children allowed us to paint their hands for our blankets that will be available for your bidding pleasure at the auction this Friday night. We invited Sally to put her prints on the blankets too. The toddler class seems to be Sally's biggest fans.
In case we forgot to give you the note we need each child to bring in an empty clear gallon milk container, and a cardboard egg carton any size. We are also looking for any puzzle pieces so if you have puzzles with missing pieces we would love to take them.

Have a great week. See you Friday!!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Is It Cabin Fever?

I am not sure what is going on with the children. They all seem to have an unusual amount of energy. I know that my own children seem to need to run, run, run. We are trying to channel their energy by going outside and playing catch Ms.Nancy. We even extended Yoga a bit and made sure that our songs included a lot of movement as well.

We have started counting the number of children in our class. When we are finished with first line we have someone count how many children are on the line. Then we discuss who is missing from class. It has been interesting that they always know who isn't in school. It is funny to hear the places they think their friends are. Micheal was sick, home while his mom had a baby (she's not expecting), or on a Disney cruise. He was in fact on vacation. The one to one correspondence of counting is a difficult thing for children to grasp. I think that counting each other is a good visual way to get this concept. Everyone wants to try to count it is great.

We celebrated June's birthday on Tuesday. Everyone seemed to like to compare their birthday banners that they had made. We have had many birthdays recently.

The pre-school children will be out on a field trip so we will be taking a "field trip" into the preschool classrooms. We will have our first line in one room and read our book and dance in the other. This will allow the children to spend a little bit of time in the rooms that they may be in next year.

Ms.Debi and I want to thank everyone who signed up for our cooking class. We are very excited about it!

Till Next Week :)