Monday, May 23, 2011

The Party is Almost Over

I remember the first time I met each of your children this year. They each have made me so proud of how much they have accomplished this year. All of the children can put on their own shoes. Many of them may not show you that they are capable of this but they are. Potty training is underway for most. If you are still working on potty training summer is a great time to work on it. Spending time outside in underwear allows you child to feel th wetness without making a mes in the house. I can remember training my daughter June. I just finished my toddler Montessori training and learned that the sensitive period for potty training was 18 months. June was 26 months. I figured I was in trouble and that I was going to have a tough time. June was not very interested in th toilet. I bought some training underpants, some had plastic on the outside. (Target). We spent many days outside and were making progress. Then I decided to go on a road trip. Out came the diapers. Then I remembered that this would only send me back to square one. So I put the potty seat in the car and hit the road. I pulled over a couple of times and then June was on a roll and out of diapers.

The children moving on to 3-6 classrooms or most other schools are expected to be potty trained. So if your child is spending the summer in camp with Ms Debi and I we would love to help you with this process.

Thank you for sharing your children with us. We have enjoyed getting to know them. I hope to be able to watch them grow up over the next few years here. If your child is moving on I hope that you will bring them back to visit us.

I hope to see you Wednesday at the ice-cream social.