Monday, February 21, 2011

Packing Snow!

We really enjoyed the warm up on the weather. We ran I. The snow and threw snow balls at Ms. Debi. The kids really had fun going down the slide and landing in the soft snow. Spending time in the fresh air and a bit of sunshine made focusing on work easier. We intoduced the color green to the groups. The kids are enjoying working with verde.

We will begin to encourage the children to make their own play dough this week. We will have a bowl set out for the kids ro use to combine all of the ingredients in themselves to make the dough. There are always kids who make play dough every day and others who never touch it. it I'll be interesting to see if anyone surprises us.

Our auction is less a month away! We hope to see you to bid on our class project and a day of baking for your child and four friends with Ms. Debi and me!!!

Don't forget registration fornnext year is soon. To ensure your childs spot get here early on registration day! Thisnisnalso when you sign up for summer camp we hope to have a great group of children this summer!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentines Party

Wow were the kids wound up this week. The cold weather needs to end or we are going to loose our noodles. The kids went directly to the back door to go outside e everyday. I hope that the weather warms up and we can get back to our routine. The energy level in our classroom was higher then normal.

We started taking the children to the bathroom to check things out. A few of the children sat on the toilet and a few even used it. Please try to remember to dress your child so using the toilet is easy. I am sure that we both would love for your child to be potty trained before the end of the school year.

The kids really seemed to enjoy the party. We started the day with some dancing and singing and then everyone made a pizza. While the pizzas were baking the kids explored some of the new work that we put out. When the pizza was ready we passed out the shakes and turned on Clifford's Valentine for the kids to watch for a bit. We invited the older siblings to join us for a snack. The kids really seemed to enjoy having the older kids in our classroom. We finished our day with a book. The kids really loved carrying their shoe boxes filled with goodies. A good time was had by all.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow day

Wow it was kind of like a spring break. It seems like it has been a long time since we were at school. If you were "snack" person last week and did not bring the English muffins, pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese please bring it this weeks as it is for our party on Thursday this week we we ill be making pizza.

If you can please use a brown paper bag to cover a shoe box so your child can make a valentine mail box for our party.

We are working on our auction item. We are making a book featuring your children that will be up for bidding on March 18th. Ms Debi and I will be taking lots of pictures to ensure everyone has a cameo in our book.

I hope that you were able to enjoy the snow with your children. We will be breaking out the sled this week if it is warm enough out side. I hope that the playground is passable at this point.

We are looking forward to our party this week. Pajama's are encouraged but not required on Thursday.
