Wednesday, May 12, 2010

7 days and counting

Hi All

Can you believe the school year is just about over. It seems like just yesterday that you and your children where crying as we walked them into school. But these days there is just a quick bye mom love you and the are off. I am so happy that they seem to enjoy coming into school. We enjoy having them with us. I hope to see you at the icecream social May 26th during class time. If you drop your children off in carpool and park come on down about 15 minutes into class so 8:45 for toddler 1, 11:00 for toddler 2 and 1:30 for toddler 3. You can take home your childs change of clothes bin on that day. If your child is joining us for either of the camps please be sure that the clothes are lightweight for summer. And that they still fit. Many of your children are much taller then they were at the beginning of the year.

We are hoping to have a visit from the fire department on the last day of school.

Have a good week.
