Sunday, November 13, 2011

Colder Weather Is Here

The children really enjoy going outside. In the past week we had so much rain that we had to find some large motor activities inside. We used the hallway to push each other on scooters. This took a lot of coordination by both children. The person sitting needed to cross their legs ( criss cross applesauce), and hold on to the sides. The person pushing needed to get comfortable and then steer the scooter. Once everyone had a turn we headed into our classroom to work an obsticle course. The children finished it off by crawling in the tunnel. Everyone seemed to like that.

We did make it outside one day. Many of the kids were cold. Hats and mittens are suggested. Some children run and climb outside, while others sit on the swings. This plays a part in how cold the kids are. We encourage them to run by chasing myself or Ms. Diane. We will be going outside unless it is raining or less then 20 degrees outside. So please dress your child appropriately.

With thanksgiving coming along we are working on turkeys. We are also beginning to show the children how to punch a picture out as oppose to cutting. In the 3-6 room they will use the punching technique instead of cutting. We will also start having the children serve themselves snack soon. Everyone is coming together so well that I am sure we will continue to see more independent children emerge.

Have a great week!