Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hiking in the Woods

We took full advantage of the weather this week and went for a hike in the woods. The children were a bit unsure at first. I actually think Ms. Debi and I were more unsure of our ability to keep everyone together. But it worked! The kids enjoyed looking for acorns. Many of the children filled their pockets and brought the acorns home to you. The following day when I told them that we were going for a hike they all quickly gathered near the the gate and were more then ready to go.

Toddler one has the advantage of going outside first. This is so nice for the kids. Everyone is able to get out that extra energy and leave it outside so that when we do get inside we they can focus on our work. Toddler 2 arrives just as the older children are going outside so we have to wait until the end of our time together to go outside. We try very hard to make sure we get outside everyday but sometimes time runs out. Hopefully everyone will get the idea that if we clean up fast we can get outside.

Just a side note. We have been changing lots of diapers and would appreciate if the children were not wearing onesies to school. When we ask the kids if they have a poop they all say no. SO many times we have to check to find the dirty diaper. It would be much easier if we didn't have to undo onesies in order to find the culprit.
We have had some new found interest in going on the toilet!! So that is great.

We have lots of things planned for this week. Pumpkin pancakes, making Carmel apples and ghost foot prints just to name a few.

I will try and post pictures of it all next week.

Happy Halloween!!!!1

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Celebrating Birthdays

We celebrated our first birthday last week in our classroom. The children were very excited to sing happy birthday. We have all of the children sit at our long snack table and then we sing happy birthday to the child who is celebrating their birthday. The kids really loved watching her blow out her candle. We passed out the cupcakes and the children really enjoyed the snack.

Parents are invited to come in for cake time with the class if its your childs birthday. If you would like to send in pictures one from each year of your childs life we will make a time line of your childs life and hang it up in our room for everyone to see.

Everyone seems to like coming into school. Getting rules down is still a bit tough for some but with encourgement from the other students they are coming along. We are planning some exciting activities for Halloween week. Carmel apples, mask decorating, and ghost making.

We hope to see you all at the Pumpkin Hunt this weekend 10/24.

Have a great week!!